Privacy Policy

What information do we store?

We only store the information of the viewers who visit out website. There is a cookie system which monitors  all the viewers that visit our site and collect necessary information's in order to improve our quality contents to our precious viewers. 

We also collect information if a user leave a comment in our site. The information collection is for the betterment of both viewers and content creators.

our site provides notes regarding different subjects. All note provided on our site are based on research based of students. If any of our notes matches with your notes then you can contact us for the removal of the content. We will look forward towards it.

How long do we store your Information?

We store your information as long as we can. There is no fixed time that the information we receive from you will just disappear. If we get to the point where we feel we don't need your information then we will simply delete it or publish it anonymously.  However if we feel that certain information of yours is required for some legal procedures we will store it until the matter is solved. 


We use cookies in order to collect reasonable information's from the user when they visit our site. Cookies help us to collect important information's from the user which can be used for the improvement of our article based on user satisfaction, Cookies are the small pieces of the text that are sent to you which require your acceptance in order to collect the information's that are relevant to our site. Cookies are the small pieces of text that are sent to you in order to recognize you by our site each time you login or visit our site.

Cookies are the tool that help us to analyze what type of content is suitable for the viewer for their better satisfaction. It helps to analyze the viewers searches and preferences, through which we can update the types of posts that the viewers are willing to read and search for similar post. 

External Links sometimes do provide the links to the external site. But, when the user leaves our site once and reaches to the other site they are bound by the privacy policy of that website that they visit to. We do not control the privacy policy of other website so we won't be accountable or liable if by chance any loss or damage they acquire in that particular website.

Each and every website have their own privacy policy, so the users are suggested to read the policy of that particular website that they are visiting.

Affiliates uses some affiliate programs Like amazon affiliate, Hosting Affiliate, and Themes and plugins affiliate.

We only recommend viewers to buy the relevant items that they find suitable for themselves. When user buys any product through our affiliate link we receive certain amount of commission that will be used for the improvement of the site.

Affiliate link on our site is for the improvement of the website to run it smoothly as possible.

Privacy Policy Updates

The privacy policy that we provide in our website is for the betterment of the viewers who visit our site. We reserve all the right to change and update all the privacy policy of our website at any given time of the day. Viewers are suggested to read the privacy policy of the site before submitting any sort of email or their real addresses. 

We do not collect your data when you visit our site but your data is stored with us when you share your email, name, address and other credentials that you submit to our site. The data we receive from you are only used for improving our content for your betterment.

Questions About Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

If you have any queries/questions about our privacy policies and their practices then, please contact us here.

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