Technique of Job Analysis HRM 2nd Year

The process of collecting and gathering details and information about a particular job is known as job analysis. It answers the question of what, how, why about the that particular job. Job analysis helps to analyze the job and help to select the eligible candidate for that particular job.

Technique of Job Analysis :

There are various technique for the analysis of the job. Some of the technique that are used to analyze the job are explained below :

A. Job Focused Technique

1. Functional Job Analysis (FJA) : This technique was developed by US training and development in United Start department of labor. This technique was developed to analyze the job in public sector, it has been used by private sector. This method is used to describe job in term of people, data and things and develop job description and job specification.

2. Management Position Description : Questionnaire : This is the technique designed to analyze the managerial position. Under this technique the job analyzer use a checklist containing 197 job factor question that are grouped into 13 categorized information collected by questionnaire which are analyzed and conducted for responsibility, authority demand, skill and qualification required.

3. Hay Plan : This method is used to analyze managerial and executive job. As executive are engaged in number of task and have to work on broad area, it is difficult to specified duties and responsibility. The Hay plan is based on an interview between job analysis and the person in the job. The purpose of job analyzing are planning for management development, recruitment, selection and placement decision and job evaluation of managerial job.

4. Method Analysis : This method is developed from industrial engineering that focus on analysis of non-managerial job. The purpose of method analysis is the analyzing the job to help the employee to work more efficiently. This method used assess to physical body movement and procedural steps to describe the sequence of work activity to finish job. It studies motion at work like how to balance movement of two hands, how to reduce muscular effort, position of tools in order to facilitates

B. Person focused/Behavior Focused Technique :

1. Position Analysis Questionnaire :This technique was developed by group of researchers of Purdue university to analyze almost all jobs to help in understanding the concept of PAQ that contain 194 items (questions) that are categorized into five overall job dimension and divided into 6 activity category that are information, input, mental process, work output, relationship with other person, job conflict and other job characteristics
Under this technique of job analysis PAQ are distributed to the employee. They just tick on the right answer of the structure questions. Job analysis collect them and weight is given to each element on the basis of activity needed to perform, tools and equipment's needed to use and thorough it job evaluation, Job description and job specification are prepared.

2. Physical Activity Analysis : This technique is used to analyze the physical ability/strength acquired by the job holder to perform the job. This technique analyzes the ability to use muscular force repeatedly strength to lift and press as well as ability to maintain balance is either in unstable position. This abilities are required to perform manual as non-managerial job of the organization.

3. Critical Incident Technique : Critical incident are the critical job that represent effective or ineffective performance. Under this technique, description of the job is prepared by observing job being performed by employees and by collecting the information regarding effective and ineffective job behavior shown by employee in critical time. On the basis of this information, job description, job specification and job evaluation are prepared.

4. Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis : This analysis technique determine the job elements which can be performed with some guidelines. This technique provide guidelines that facilitates researchers in job analysis. It involves information relate to job holder, their activities and their job behavior which provide information of job holders.