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Vacancy in "A" class commercial bank

An "A" class commercial bank in Nepal is looking for an energetic, dynamic and self-moti…

Blog writing in Business communication bbs 2nd year

Blog Writing A blog is a regularly updated website or online platform where individuals or groups o…

business communication bbs 2nd year notes

Business Communication  Unit : 1 Types of Communication :  Verbal communication Non-verbal communicati…

Farewell by Federico Garcia Lorca

Farewell Federico Garcia Lorca Main Idea of the poem Farewell By Federico Garcia Lorca On the surface…

Dover Beach Summary BBS 2nd year

Dover Beach Matthew Arnold Main Idea of the poem Dover Beach  This poem shows a serious disapproval t…

looking for a rain god summary bbs 2nd year

Looking for a rain god Bessie Head  Main Idea of Looking for a rain god by Bessie Head This story show…

business law bbs 3rd year question 2078

Business law BBS 3rd year question solution previous questions 12. What is consideration? Explain th…

business law bbs 3rd year model question solution 2078

Business Law BBS 3rd Year Solution 2078 Brief Answer Question 1. What is Law? Law is a system of rules…

Marketing Mix and the role of marketing mix in a firms decision making

Marketing Mix  Component of Marketing Mix Analytical answer questions What is marketing mix? Explain …